Human &
Network of software
components for
data extraction

Events and Studies (now completed or expired)

Task Complexity in Crowdsourcing

In crowdsourcing, some tasks involve minutes, others take few seconds; some tasks are complex, while others are very simple; many users prefer transcribing, while others would rather select the option from a list. Which of these alternative ensure a better quality in the crowdsourcing result? Which option can be executed in a shorter time?
Please help us to transcribe the information about these specimens at:
Or, help us transcribing, selecting, and cropping fields at:

Event: WeDigBio Transcription Blitz

Come join us October 22, 2016, from 11am-3pm at the Florida Museum of Natural History to help digitize Florida's biodiversity.
The transcription blitz is part of the Cultural Plaza Festival and will feature games, prizes, and a chance to interact with University of Florida scientists.

Learn more about WeDigBio!

Date: Saturday, October 22, 2016 - 11:00am to 3:00pm EDT
Location: Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville (FL)

Self-aware Data Extraction for Crowdsourcing Optimization

In this study, we need your help to select the fields and correct the values extracted by the Optical Character Recognition Software.

We plan to use your input to improve the automatic recognition process of these fields.

Cooperative Human-Machine Data Extraction

Please help us to label parts of iDigBio images, collected during the 2013 hackathon: